Keeping Away together, one screw at a time.
Category: Maintenance

When time blurs
I realize that it was some time since I updated. Well, there is a good reason for that. I’ve kept myself busy and every evening I crashed in bed after making dinner, topped off with some Spanish class. So every night when I normally write a post I’ve […]

A day of deliveries!
Today I’ve been busy sanding down rust on the keel and painting it with primer, to be ready for the anti-fouling paint. I have some things to finish first, but I hope that I can at least get as far so that I can paint this weekend. The […]

Working hard, or hardly working..?
It has been a few days since the last update, and I did leave you hanging on a low note, didn’t I? Well, no need to worry really, I’m back and working as usual. It has been a little frustrating that the weather doesn’t really seem to take […]

Just one of those days, you know…
Sometimes nothing feels really right, you know. I bet you’d had days like that too. When everything is just.. meh. This was one of those days. But even so I got some done, I’ve been attacking my helm station backingplate with a flappy disc and the grinder. And […]

Today has been another beautiful day here in Kinsale, warm and sunny. I will never complain about heat – at least not for some time! It is actually interesting, Ireland is currently experiencing a dry spell and eighteen of their ninety water reservoirs are dry. It hasn’t been […]

The summer came with June!
Ah, yes! Today it’s been amazing! Days like this is what you dream of in the winter time, where the sun keeps you warm until it is just about to set after nine o’clock, having a full day of sunshine and a nice breeze. This weekend I got […]

I learned something new today!
It is quite common to learn something every day, even if it is minor things, but this time it is something that I wanted to learn for some time. I have been thinking of learning how to edit and upload videos to YouTube for my adventures, and today […]

A learning experience!
So, today I got one of the guys at the boat yard to have a look at my rudder. He politely said that he “would stop right there, fair the hole and wrap the rudder in fiberglass”. In other words: I did an unnecessary thing grinding away all […]

To grind, or not to grind
Well, as you can see in the post picture it wasn’t about grinding the rudder or not. I have had a somewhat odd rust leak in the rudder, and I had to inspect it. With a sander. But as I sat down next to the rudder and sanded […]

A proper seal
So, this whole ordeal with the keel bolts started because someone had used an inferior method of sealing them. By using silicone that would let water work its way to the threaded rod and then remain there to corrode it. So as my last task on the inside […]